Are you new to meteorite hunting? Learn the techniques the professionals use during this immersive two-day training session. The field will be seeded with stone and iron meteorites, and participants will learn to hunt by eye and how to use a metal detector to find space rocks. We highly recommend anyone interested in an expedition attend a training session first, unless they have prior meteorite hunting experience.

Enjoy the lovely spring weather of the desert on this meteorite expedition. Rated for beginners, this hunt promises to be an unforgettable experience. Exact locations will be provided once payment is received in full, for security purposes.

They're out there! Hunt in an area with known meteorites on the ground. This hunt is suitable for beginners and those who are looking for a moderate challenge. The strewnfield location will be revealed once payment is made in full, for security purposes.

The holy-grail location for meteorite hunting. The Sahara Desert, or as we often refer to it as Northwest Africa, has produced hundreds of thousands of meteorites, including ultra-rare lunar and Martian meteorites. Your skills will be tested in this cosmic bullseye for rare meteorites.

The Atacama Desert is one of the most spectacular deserts the world has ever produced and has numerous recorded meteorite finds along its canyons. Chile serves as an excellent frontier for finding fallen treasure in a clean desert landscape for seamless meteorite hunting.

Aerolite Elizabeth
Elizabeth is a meteorite executive, educator, and meteorite hunter. She’s chased fireballs and hunted famous strewnfields, and now leads guided expeditions for Meteorite Hunting Adventures. Elizabeth is also one of their instructors and teaches meteorite hunting techniques, metal detector use, and expedition planning.
Wolf is an expert in logistics and security. He is the newest addition to the Meteorite Hunting Adventures crew and already has multiple hunts and fireball chases, domestic and international, under his belt.

Highlights from our recent expeditions around the world