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Meteorites -- fragments or rock or metal that have fallen to Earth from space -- are among the most elusive and fascinating of all treasures. They often command great value, both in scientific terms to researchers and academics, and in financial terms to collectors and museums. Finding real meteorites is one of the most thrilling and challenging adventures possible. The global search for meteorites incorporates expedition travel, tech, history, research, physics, geology, prospecting, metal detecting and other disciplines.


The odds of any meteorite surviving its tumultuous journey to Earth -- a journey that could last millions of years and cover hundreds of millions of miles -- are ... well ... astronomical. The odds of a person then finding that meteorite -- somewhere on the vast surface of our home planet -- are even more daunting.


And that is were we come in!


The Meteorite Hunting Adventures team has the technology, the determination, and the unparalleled expertise, contacts, and intel to help you find that rarest and most alluring of prizes -- an actual piece of outer space. We show you how to find and identify meteorites and we take you to places where we have found them before. And we provide you with quality metal detectors and other tech that is often crucial to a successful hunt.


With over fifty years of combined meteorite hunting experience, Meteorite Hunting Adventures founders and expedition leaders, Steve Arnold and Geoff Notkin are among the most successful and best-known space rock finders in history. Their hit three-season television series, "Meteorite Men," produced for Discovery Science has aired all over the world and been seen by tens of millions of people. The international success of their show dramatically increased worldwide interest in the fascinating science of meteorite identification and recovery. Scores of important new finds and significant new scientific discoveries were made as a direct result of "Meteorite Men."


But that is just one part of the story. Friends and hunting partners for more than two decades, Arnold and Notkin have found thousands of meteorites on six continents. They are seasoned adventurers and world travelers and also starred in "The Best Places to Find Cash and Treasures," "Wired Science," Nat Geo's "Naked Earth," and Discovery's "Cosmic Collisions" series.


An early internet and tech adopter, Arnold launched one of the very first commercial meteorite websites, way back in the mid-1990s. He also holds a world record for finding the largest oriented pallasite meteorite in history -- excavated from a field near Brenham, Kansas and weighing a staggering 1,530 pounds.


Notkin is an internationally-recognized science writer. He has published four books and hundreds of articles. His work includes many contributions to "Meteorite" magazine, as well as a tech and spaceflight columnist for "Ad Astra" magazine. His seminal book, "Meteorite Hunting" was the very first work on the subject. It won an IPPY Award as one of the best science books of the year and has enjoyed multiple editions and printings. In February, 2019 Notkin thoroughly revised and expanded the original title into a new and more comprehensive work: "How to Find Treasure from Space." An indispensable and profusely illustrated guide to meteorite identification and recovery, it is available here on our website and also on Amazon. Notkin is also President of the National Space Society, a TEDx speaker, and co-founder of the Science Arts and Space Institute.


If you've watched "Meteorite Men" or one of Arnold and Notkin's other shows, you know that Arnold and Notkin share an ebullient sense of humor and a love of adventure. They love to share that enthusiasm and joie de vivre with others! Join the Meteorite Men on an unforgettable adventure and we will do our very best to help YOU put a piece of outer space in your hand.

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